Cosmological Constant

Her mother used to plan their meals on index cards, pinned on the refrigerator door, charted into boxes constructed from black ink and rulers: Monday breakfast, Monday lunch, Monday dinner; Tuesday breakfast, Tuesday lunch, Tuesday dinner; Wednesday and so on. It made her believe, for a time, that they had access to an endless supply of food and that everything could be planned. Every vegetable, spice, and sauce could be neatly categorized to form a box on a date on a week, for years.

At night, her mother assured her: There is nothing to fear.

Thereafter whenever she was scared she comforted herself with compiling a list of things she wrote down on her notebook:

Sour cream, white cheese, a Dell laptop, a Japanese song, the neighbor’s laundry, magnets, buttons, silverware, baskets, colors, feelings, my life, the world, the Milky Way, endless spiral…

One day in school someone asked their Physics professor about space and things they had no real answer for. They passed around an article, exchanged opinions, wondered at the mathematical equations that only made sense with words.

For several nights after, she clutched her thin blanket around herself, thinking to herself:

The universe is expanding, and to herself, she noted:

Wind, songs, typewriters, keys, sounds, doorsteps, blue doors, beige doors, yellow-silled windows, grills, red, rust, metal, alchemy, e-mails, screens, glares, eyes, statistics, corners, midpoints, entries, exits, diffusion, anxiety, context, space, space, space!

In the morning, twenty years-old, she began to see her mother no longer planned their meals. What was there, what could be mixed together, thrown together with salt, was served. It was not a lack of love but a failing of the senses, dulled over the years, straining their smiles, convincing their heartstrings that dying and living were but emotions.

She went, she lived, she rejoiced, notebook discarded, perhaps destroyed. One night, in the future, her daughter will ask her if she can have mamon for breakfast tomorrow, and her smile will sag, remembering rulers, black lines, neat little boxes, expansion: the universe.

Life, alive, tags, names, cartoons, rejection, failure, stunted, railway, murder, telephones, vocabulary, boredom, judgment, gossip, commitment, roofs, doors, and walls, walls, walls.

4 thoughts on “Cosmological Constant

  1. Like! But, comments (effort ako haha kasi I’ve also been fascinated by the expanding universe idea for quite some time)

    “she clutched her thin blanket around herself, thinking to herself:
    The universe is expanding” -> closing in of space by blanket-clutching VS the expanding universe. Galing! I think this is the strongest bit in this text 🙂

    I’m wondering about the items you chose to catalogue in this text- to me they mostly seem random (1st, 2nd, & 3rd catalogues), which is kind of flat. Suggestion: put an order to them (from specific concrete things, naging general sa next catalogue, tas naging abstract)? Then again, randomness can reflect the disorderliness of the universe (but is the universe entirely ruled by chaos? hooo). Then again I worry about placing abstract things in the catalogue coz the universe is made of concrete objects: stars, dust, light – what human qualities do we ascribe to the universe (vomiting questions now) and why, even?

    Also: “she began to saw”? o_o’

    “convincing their heartstrings that dying and living were but emotions” -> sounds nice but imagining this happening, I ask: How? Di ko ma-visualize.

    Questions: in the beginning the persona is being comforted by the mum (“there’s nothing to fear”) but I wonder what was there to fear to begin with?

    Also, I think interesting ung 2nd segment kasi no mention of ze mum, but then, I don’t see it doing anything for the piece. Maybe it works as a gap (black hole, perhaps? Something that’s there but is just imperceptible by human vision?) but still…

    I like what you’re digging out here- chaos, order, how things drift/expand, require and/or create more space (and is that space good or bad?), the relationship between mum and daughter (naisip ko: daughter stars, aha! light-years) but I’m not sure exactly where the piece is going- but I like it, hence, comment-vomit. Maybe ask Miggy for physics related shiz? Or more research on the universe? Super epic potential monster prose poem 🙂 I hope my comments help- I want to see what you’re going to turn this thing into.

    • Hi, Lyza! Super big thank you for your comments. This piece is so raw for now (grammatically, too! Thanks to you, have edited error to “began to see”), and originally was supposed to be the first chapter to something I’d already started at

      However, this piece morphed into something else entirely and as you successfully implied, it’s still very messy. I first got the idea watching Nat Geo’s Beyond the Cosmos, and one of the concepts that really pulled me in was Einstein’s cosmological constant, which I understand he had to keep in his equation for General Relativity (I only have a simple understanding of this, so going over to may help).

      But to accept the idea of the universe expanding, one has to forego of the cosmological constant. I’d meant for the list of things (created here by the persona) to refer back to the index cards c/o the mother character, to establish order. The random factor, which you also successfully noted, is due to the fact that I’d let in too much spontaneity filter into the piece (so now, note to self about next items for a catalogue!)

      I am still mulling over the mother figure in the piece. Although I see your point in terms of her unclear contribution to the piece at most, I’d still like to explore it as I feel like it serves as a foothold for the piece, if not for the very persona behind it.

      All that being said, all of it merely meaning: OF COURSE YOUR COMMENTS HELPED!!!

      I will be posting a second draft of this soon. I would be glad of any more help with that, too!

      Sorry again for not being able to meet up with you last time! I will tell you the epic fail of my body when we see each other next. It’s kinda embarrassing :-S Hehehe.

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